Thursday, January 7, 2010

Pictures from 1/6 and 1/7/09


Hunter giving his daddy a great big hug before bed.

1/6/09 Pictures

A tisket a tasket, a baby in a basket!
A pair of monster feet courtesy of Hunter's new pj's

Angel Eyes

"I'm not a happy camper mama" - Owen Doke

"mama, take a picture of my truck" - Hunter Doke (even though its a car)

Two days of pictures. Its has been a busy two days. I got several pics I really like. I hope you do as well.


  1. I love the unhappy picture of Owen. I need to remember to catch Tate when he's unhappy too otherwise people will start to think he's happy 24/7 and that is SO not the case! The hug is pretty precious as well.
